Workplace Flu Vaccinations
When flu season hits, the impact on businesses can be brutal. The cost of team members away on sick leave, or worse, coming into work while ill and infecting other staff, the cost of relief or temp employees, and production losses, all add up to hit businesses where it hurts.
The impact of employee absenteeism due to illness is significant. A study of unvaccinated participants showed that influenza-like illnesses accounted for 45% of all days of illness during flu season, and 39% of all illness-related workdays lost.
Not only that, but illness and resulting workload pressure can negatively affect staff morale.
Invest in your team’s health, morale, and business productivity all at once by organising an onsite flu vaccination clinic. Our team of caring, experienced healthcare professionals will come to your workplace to provide this year’s up-to-date flu vaccinations to all staff wishing to opt-in.
For larger businesses, we can facilitate an informational session prior to the vaccine clinic, so all employees can make an informed decision on whether to opt-in on the day. We can provide written content for your company newsletter upon request, for employees to review at their leisure to help them make their vaccine decision.

An employer-funded vaccination clinic at work is so much more accessible to your staff than having to find time outside of work to get their flu vaccination sorted. As a result, the likelihood of much of your team being vaccinated in short order and limiting the impact of flu season on your business is much greater.
Flu vaccination is recommended for everyone, but especially recommended for any of your team members who meet the following criteria:
• Healthcare workers
• Individuals who work with children
• Police and emergency workers
• Armed Forces personnel
• Staff & clients of correctional facilities
• Immigration/refugee centre staff
• Laboratory staff
• Individuals who work with animals
• Those living in hostels, boarding houses, and university halls of residence
During Flu season, YHNZ vaccinators will be out and about administering vaccines. If you have a team you’d like to offer vaccines to, we’d love to come along to your workplace and vaccinate your staff. Our team is fully trained, friendly and professional, and our prices are super competitive.
If you want us to hold a vaccination clinic for both adults and kids at a local community event, sports- or social event, or even a large family gathering, we can be there. Having your own private vaccination clinic means you avoid the hassle of sitting in a crowded waiting room with sick people.
Let’s keep our community healthy this winter: put your health in our hands.

Please arrange twenty people per hour, per vaccinator. We work on one person every three minutes; the number of vaccinators on our team varies depending upon the number of people needing vaccinations and the available space and facilities onsite.
It is a requirement to have a qualified first aider present when the vaccinations are being administered. You are welcome to provide your own qualified first aider, or we will provide one at a small additional cost. In some circumstances (for example, where there is deemed to be increased risk) we reserve the right to bring our first aider or a second vaccinator even if one has been allocated from your staff. We strongly recommend that you utilise our first aider service to ensure that no delay occurs to vaccinations due to the unavailability of your first aider on the day.
Ideally, we work in a room or private area with a few chairs and a table; but thanks to Covid, we can vaccinate in most places, including car parks!
We’ll need a waiting area for those waiting to have their vaccinations, as well as an area nearby where those who’ve already had their vaccines can wait between five and twenty minutes following their vaccination.
We will ensure we have gained informed consent (verbal or written) from each individual prior to vaccinating.
Vaccinations will be entered on to a National Immunisation database in accordance with Ministry of Health requirements. Your family GP will be able to see you have been vaccinated.
What we would need prior to arriving on site:
We will need you to provide confirmed numbers of people to be vaccinated no later than ten days prior to your booked vaccination clinic appointment, as well as a list of names of those to be vaccinated.
Request A Booking
- 021 378212
- Gordonton, Hamilton 3281