Workplace Flu Vaccinations

Workplace Flu Vaccinations

Our team of caring, experienced healthcare professionals will come to your workplace to provide this year’s up-to-date flu vaccinations to all staff wishing to opt-in.

Workplace Flu Vouchers

Flu Vouchers

Our flu voucher rates are incredibly competitive and easily redeemable at any participating Greencross, Unichem or Life Pharmacy in New Zealand.

Where Nursing & Youth Unite

Where Nursing & Youth Unite

The next School & Youth Nurse conference will be held in 2025

Lost Production, Disrupted Services?

Lost Production, Disrupted Services?

We provide Health & Nursing products and services, tailored to meet the needs of your school, business or organisation.

We provide our services on site on a date and time to best suit our clients needs.

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Your Health In Our Hands

We are a values-based organisation; simply put, we care. It’s your health in our hands, and we take our responsibility seriously. We pride ourselves on providing you with holistic, consistent, respectful care by staff who are compassionate and honest, knowledgeable, and supportive.

Our health team is based in the Waikato and is made up of registered nurses and qualified paramedics.

Our services include:

  • Mobile vaccination clinics
  • Relief nursing services
  • Mobile nursing concierge
  • Workplace flu vaccinations
  • Meningococcal vaccination programme
  • Nursing and health education
  • Health-related products

Our Services

Workplace Flu Vaccinations

Our team of caring, experienced healthcare professionals will come to your workplace to provide this year’s up-to-date flu vaccinations to all staff wishing to opt-in.

Zoono Foggings

This fog mist stays behind on surfaces and persists through regular cleaning in between foggings, protecting you from a wide range of viruses and bacteria for up to 30 days.

Health Education

We present Conferences & Workshops which are focused on delivering up-to-date information on a wide range of health-related topics, from drugs and alcohol, to concussions, to mental health.

Nursing Contracts

Your Health NZ has a number of healthcare professionals available for hire on a contractual, project or temporary basis, to help fill the gap when your medical practice finds itself short on trained staff to meet patient needs. 

Mobile Nursing Concierge

Our Mobile Nursing Concierge service will initially be available in Northeast Hamilton and surrounds, with a view to expanding further afield in the future.

Shop Health Products

In addition to our wide range of nursing and health services, we also stock a range of health-related products focused on infection control. We ship these throughout New Zealand.

Mobile Nursing Services to meet your needs.

When it comes to your health, getting the right support at the right time and place is crucial. Your Health NZ makes that just a little easier. We are an organisation of healthcare professionals available to provide nursing and healthcare as needed, where needed.

Whether you’re a clinician needing a registered nurse to step in for staff on leave or to help with project work, an employer wanting to offer vaccinations to your employees, or a post-operative patient needing in-home nursing care while you convalesce, we have the registered, qualified staff available to help. We’ll come to you and support you through your recovery or project for as long as you need us, until you’re back on your feet or your project is complete.

The brainchild of registered and highly experienced nurse Nicky Sayers, Your Health NZ was started in 2016 and focuses on a holistic range of nursing services to support our community. From education to hands-on healthcare, we are here to meet your nursing needs.

Why choose us?

Professional, Qualified and trained staff.

We offer advice and options based upon the most clinically up-to-date best practice.

We come to you to reduce downtime and disruption to your business or organisation.

We offer a cost-effective service to help your business manage the health of your staff.

What our customers say

Manufacturing Company, Hamilton

Health and Safety Manager

“Nice to meet you, and on behalf of the team here a big thank you for your great service and getting to us so quickly after lockdown.

Look forward to working with you in the future.”

Engineering & Manufacturing Company, Hamilton

HR and Compliance Coordinator

“Thank you for getting them all done for us. Everyone mentioned how quick and easy the whole process was, which is awesome.”

Kitchen Company Hamilton

Business Owner

“Thanks Nicky… All the Team Survived Yesterday so Thanks for Looking after Them in Your Friendly but Professional Way!”

Electrical Supplier Hamilton

Business Development Manager

“I just had my flu vaccine today. I didn’t even know it was done. Such great service and care from the team at Your Health NZ, thanks!”

Early Childhood Teacher


“You’re very gently Nicky, they were in the right hands!”

Clinical Nurse Specialist, Hamilton

Clinical Nurse Specialist, Hamilton

“Thanks so much. Felt a bit off yesterday but otherwise he said it’s the “best injection he’s ever had.” Really appreciate you doing this for us.”

Early Childhood Centres


“Really appreciate all you do for us and look forward to continuing to work with you.”

School Nurse Kris

Hamilton & Putaruru

“I hear everything went well at both schools for the immunisations. Thank you so much for facilitating this! It was much appreciated.”

Drainage Company Hamilton

Office Manager

“So good, I couldn’t even feel it! Great service thanks Nicky.”

School Principal, Hamilton


“Always superb service!!!”

Joinery Suppliers, Hamilton


“Thanks so much Nicky for your fantastic customer service”


“Just thought I’d give some positive feedback on the Cool XChange (CXC) bandage. It’s exactly what I’d hoped for and excellent for relieving my inflammation around my leg, calf, & behind my knee.

I can wrap this around and it stays in place nicely as I put my feet up for a rest, or wander about. Makes a nice change from trying to tie on cold packs and have them over-chill the area.

I would definitely recommend this product to others with this horrible inflammation build up from a compressed sciatic nerve.”

Corporate Advice Manager Workforce Development

“I want to also thank you for how promptly you have engaged with me. I had been trying to engage with another provider who was recommended, and their complete lack of response was appalling.

Really appreciate being able to work with you to get this over the line for our team”

Primary School

Thanks so much for all your help around our staff flu vaccinations, it is very much appreciated.”

Primary Health Organisation

I just wanted to email and say what a phenomenal job you and the rest of the team did to host an outstanding conference. It was professional, informative and well run. You guys are amazing.”

Delegate at School & Youth Nurse Conference

I have never attended a school nurse conference before. I was blown away by the high quality of speakers that you had. The well thought out variety of content was fantastic. Every speaker did an amazing job and was interesting and informative. There was so much to take in, my brain was full!

As for the honesty of the communication team that spoke, whow!

The MC was fantastic and made the whole event come together so well. You all deserve a good rest, well done!”

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